I am finally finished with the Bird Round Robin that I have been working on. I got the Cedar Waxwing in the mail last week, and the little Chickadee is ready to go in the mail tomorrow. I have also put on a photo of what I am working on now. It is called "We're Not Older, We're Better", by JanLynn, and it is a lot of fun to work on. I only started it a couple of days ago, and have already made quite a lot of progress on it. I have really enjoyed the Round Robin, but I am glad to be back at work on some of my own things for a while. I have decided to take a break from RRs for a while.
I don't seem to get on here very much but I just don't seem to have a lot of time after working all week.
Spring is trying to come here, but it's been pretty cold the last couple of days and it was spitting snow yesterday. Thank goodness the flowering trees are all still doing ok. We had a freeze last year right after they bloomed and it ruined them.
Well. I am off agin to go work on my stitching some more.
All of your birds are just so sweet, I know that the recipients are just going to love them. I hope you get this rr back on time.
Your "getting better" piece looks great too.
Nice RR finish. Your little birds are lovely. So nice to hear spring has finally arrived.
The birdies are so cute.
I love the We're Not Older, We're Better WIP.
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